北京一统太空电子科技公司成立于2005年6月,坐落于北京通州区光机电经济开发区,现有厂房面积4000平方米,是一家专业从事车载液晶显示器及民用电子产品的高科技民营企业,公司集研发、生产及销售为一体,品种齐全、品质优良,产品远销世界各地。 公司主导产品是车载TFT-LCD液晶显示器、DVD、GPS。现已形成:靠枕、支架、伸缩、遮阳板、吸顶、后视镜等六大系列,十余款品种,产品规格从5.6”至19.7”均能生产。 为了长远发展,公司已形成一套完整的质量保证体系和现代企业管理制度。 公司生产管理一体化,严格生产流程,生产工艺精益求精,秉承“顾客利益高于一切”,让顾客满意是我们的最高信念。 Beijing YTTK Electronics Technology Co., Ltd was established in June of 2005(hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). Situated in the Optomechatronic Economic Development Zone of Tongzhou District of Beijing, the Company covers a workshop area of 4000M2. It is a specialized privately-owned high-tech company manufacturing car-carried liquid crystal displays and electronic products for civil use, integrating development, production and marketing. The Company produces all complete varieties of products with high quality which sells all over the world. The dominant products of the Company are car-carried TFT-LCD liquid crystal displays, DVD and GPS. And now, 6 major series—including cushion, bracket, pusule apparatus series, sun-shield, headrest-in and rearview mirror etc.-and over 10 varieties of products have been put into production with their size ranging from 5.6” to 19.7”. In view of long-term development, the Company has made available a complete quality assurance system and a modern enterprise management system. The Company has realized the integration of production and management, puts production process under strict control, and keeps improving production technology. In line with principle of “Putting customers’ interests first”, we make customers’ satisfaction our highest tenet.